The Creative Media Workshop took place in Plovdiv Bolgaria
was in Hackaton format.
Organized by Petko Tanchev (Bulgaria) as part of the
Night of Museums and Galleries – Plovdiv.
Special Thanks to :
Israel Embassy in Bulgaria
“Shalom Aleyhem” Community Center

Kinects,Realsense,Leap Motion and other sensors used in this workshop.
The participants experimented with different interactive tools
(Kinect, Real Sense, Leap Motion, Arduino, etc.) and collaborate in the creation of installations, performances, mapping projections, audio-visual projects and creative applications.

Basics of TouchDesigner lead by Barakooda.
As introduction to the module I lead my very first workshop for TouchDesigner in Europe as well I presented in public some of my projects.

Barak (left) and Petko.
Apart from working with TouchDesigner,
all participants had chance to make collaborations with other related software for real-time content creation such as:
MaxMSP, vvvv, Pure Data, Processing, openFrameworks, etc.
Other music, animation and graphic design software
(Ableton Live, 3Ds Max, Cinema 4D, Houdini, After Effects and more).
- Workshops
Participants Exhibition and talk :
Post event night:
ATOM Theatre improvised Dance and real time effects show
(I don’t have the credits of the photographer, please contact me.)
- High bandwidth streamed content.